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Common Usage Example

Make an oracle request

This section describes methods to send a transaction of oracle request to BandChain

Step 1: Import Client from @bandprotocol/bandchain.js and creates a new instance of grpcUrl as a parameter and you can get <GRPC_WEB> endpoint from here. Then initialize the client instance. Every method in client module can now be used.

import { Client } from '@bandprotocol/bandchain.js'

const grpcUrl = '<GRPC_WEB>' // ex.
const client = new Client(grpcUrl)

Step 2: Specify an account wallet for sending the transaction. This can be done by import PrivateKey from Wallet module and input a 24-words mnemonic string as a seed. For this example, we will use following mnemonic for demonstration.

subject economy equal whisper turn boil guard giraffe stick retreat wealth card only buddy joy leave genuine resemble submit ghost top polar adjust avoid

Here is the example on how to get a private key as an account.

import { Wallet } from '@bandprotocol/bandchain.js'
const { PrivateKey } = Wallet

// Step 2.1
const privkey = PrivateKey.fromMnemonic(
'subject economy equal whisper turn boil guard giraffe stick retreat wealth card only buddy joy leave genuine resemble submit ghost top polar adjust avoid'

Then, we will use the private key to generate public key and a BAND address, as shown below

const pubkey = privkey.toPubkey()
const sender = pubkey.toAddress().toAccBech32()

Step 3: As we have both an Client instance and an account wallet, we can now construct a transaction by importing Transaction and MsgRequestData.

As the transaction object requires following attributes,

  • a list of messages
  • account number
  • sequence number
  • chain ID
  • fee

with following optional fields

  • memo (default is empty string)

We will firstly construct a MsgRequestData to be included in a list of messages of the transaction. The message requires 9 fields as shown in the example below.

Within MsgRequestData

import { Obi, Message, Coin } from '@bandprotocol/bandchain.js'

const obi = new Obi('{symbols:[string],multiplier:u64}/{rates:[u64]}')
const calldata = obi.encodeInput({ symbols: ['ETH'], multiplier: 100 })

const oracleScriptId = 37
const askCount = 4
const minCount = 3
const clientId = 'from_bandchain.js'

let feeLimit = new Coin()

const prepareGas = 100000
const executeGas = 200000

const requestMessage = new Message.MsgRequestData(

After constructed MsgRequestData, we can get other required fields by following methods to constructs a transaction

  • Account and Sequence number are automatically gathered from Transaction's withSender method.
  • Chain ID can be gathered from Client's getChainId method.
import { Coin, Fee, Transaction } from '@bandprotocol/bandchain.js'

let feeCoin = new Coin()

const fee = new Fee()

const chainId = await client.getChainId()
const txn = new Transaction()
await txn.withSender(client, sender)

Step 4: Sign and send the transaction

Now, we had an instance of constructed transaction. In order to sign the transaction, getSignDoc method in Transaction instance can be used to get serialzed data of the transaction to be used for signing. Then, use PrivateKey's sign to sign transaction. Finally, use getTxData to include signature and public key to the transaction to get a complete signed transaction.

const signDoc = txn.getSignDoc(pubkey)
const signature = privateKey.sign(signDoc)

Step 5: Send the signed transaction to Bandchain be using following method of choices

For our example, we will use sendTxBlockMode to send the transaction.

The final code should now look like the code below.

import { Client, Wallet, Obi, Message, Coin, Transaction, Fee } from '@bandprotocol/bandchain.js'

const grpcUrl = '<GRPC_WEB>' // ex.
const client = new Client(grpcUrl)

async function makeRequest() {
// Step 1: Import a private key for signing transaction
const { PrivateKey } = Wallet
const mnemonic = 'test'
const privateKey = PrivateKey.fromMnemonic(mnemonic)
const pubkey = privateKey.toPubkey()
const sender = pubkey.toAddress().toAccBech32()

// Step 2.1: Prepare oracle request's properties
const obi = new Obi('{symbols:[string],multiplier:u64}/{rates:[u64]}')
const calldata = obi.encodeInput({ symbols: ['ETH'], multiplier: 100 })

const oracleScriptId = 37
const askCount = 4
const minCount = 3
const clientId = 'from_bandchain.js'

let feeLimit = new Coin()

const prepareGas = 100000
const executeGas = 200000

// Step 2.2: Create an oracle request message
const requestMessage = new Message.MsgRequestData(

let feeCoin = new Coin()

// Step 3.1: Construct a transaction
const fee = new Fee()

const chainId = await client.getChainId()
const txn = new Transaction()
await txn.withSender(client, sender)

// Step 3.2: Sign the transaction using the private key
const signDoc = txn.getSignDoc(pubkey)
const signature = privateKey.sign(signDoc)

const txRawBytes = txn.getTxData(signature, pubkey)

// Step 4: Broadcast the transaction
const sendTx = await client.sendTxBlockMode(txRawBytes)

;(async () => {
await makeRequest()

After, we run the script above, the result should look like this. The following log contains logs, which have events related to sent request.

"eventsList": [
{"key":"calldata","value":"BTC ETH"},
{"key":"calldata","value":"BTC ETH"},
{"key":"calldata","value":"BTC ETH"},
{"key":"calldata","value":"BTC ETH"},

Send BAND token

Sending BAND token has code pattern similar to the previous section, except that different type of message is used.

The message used for this section is MsgSend which can be used as shown below

const receiver = 'band1p46uhvdk8vr829v747v85hst3mur2dzlmlac7f'
const sendAmount = new Coin()
const msg = new MsgSend(sender, receiver, [sendAmount])

Therefore, final result is as shown follow

import { Client, Wallet, Transaction, Message, Coin, Fee } from '@bandprotocol/bandchain.js'

const { PrivateKey } = Wallet
const client = new Client('<GRPC_WEB>') // ex.

// Step 2.1 import private key based on given mnemonic string
const privkey = PrivateKey.fromMnemonic(
'subject economy equal whisper turn boil guard giraffe stick retreat wealth card only buddy joy leave genuine resemble submit ghost top polar adjust avoid'
// Step 2.2 prepare public key and its address
const pubkey = privkey.toPubkey()
const sender = pubkey.toAddress().toAccBech32()

const sendCoin = async () => {
// Step 3.1 constructs MsgSend message
const { MsgSend } = Message

// Here we use different message type, which is MsgSend
const receiver = 'band1p46uhvdk8vr829v747v85hst3mur2dzlmlac7f'
const sendAmount = new Coin()
const msg = new MsgSend(sender, receiver, [sendAmount])
// Step 3.2 constructs a transaction
const account = await client.getAccount(sender)
const chainId = 'band-laozi-testnet6'

let feeCoin = new Coin()

const fee = new Fee()
const tx = new Transaction()

// Step 4 sign the transaction
const txSignData = tx.getSignDoc(pubkey)
const signature = privkey.sign(txSignData)
const signedTx = tx.getTxData(signature, pubkey)

// Step 5 send the transaction
const response = await client.sendTxBlockMode(signedTx)

;(async () => {
await sendCoin()

The response should be similar to as shown below

"height": 443301,
"txhash": "026760F78665C03DD4A8786304E01848A4747F0B62F7DB4B31F93C792B2D3D52",
"codespace": "",
"code": 0,
"data": "0A060A0473656E64",
"rawLog": "[{\"events\":[{\"type\":\"message\",\"attributes\":[{\"key\":\"action\",\"value\":\"send\"},{\"key\":\"sender\",\"value\":\"band168ukdplr7nrljaleef8ehpyvfhe4n78hz0shsy\"},{\"key\":\"module\",\"value\":\"bank\"}]},{\"type\":\"transfer\",\"attributes\":[{\"key\":\"recipient\",\"value\":\"band1p46uhvdk8vr829v747v85hst3mur2dzlmlac7f\"},{\"key\":\"sender\",\"value\":\"band168ukdplr7nrljaleef8ehpyvfhe4n78hz0shsy\"},{\"key\":\"amount\",\"value\":\"10uband\"}]}]}]",
"logsList": [
"msgIndex": 0,
"log": "",
"eventsList": [
"type": "message",
"attributesList": [
{ "key": "action", "value": "send" },
"key": "sender",
"value": "band168ukdplr7nrljaleef8ehpyvfhe4n78hz0shsy"
{ "key": "module", "value": "bank" }
"type": "transfer",
"attributesList": [
"key": "recipient",
"value": "band1p46uhvdk8vr829v747v85hst3mur2dzlmlac7f"
"key": "sender",
"value": "band168ukdplr7nrljaleef8ehpyvfhe4n78hz0shsy"
{ "key": "amount", "value": "10uband" }
"info": "",
"gasWanted": 1500000,
"gasUsed": 49013,
"timestamp": ""

Get reference data

This section shows an example on how to query data from BandChain. This example query standard price references based on given symbol pairs, min count, and ask count.

Step 1: Import bandchain.js and put grpc_url_web as a parameter and you can get <GRPC_WEB> endpoint from here. Then initialize the client instance. Every method in client module can now be used.

import { Client } from '@bandprotocol/bandchain.js'
// Step 1
const grpcUrl = '<GRPC_WEB>' // ex.
const client = new Client(grpcUrl)

Step 2: After we import the Client already, then we call the Client's getReferenceData function to get the latest price

There are 3 parameters

  • minCount: Integer of min count
  • askCount: Integer of ask count
  • pairs: The list of cryprocurrency pairs

The final code should look like the code below.

import { Client } from "@bandprotocol/bandchain.js"
// Step 1
const grpcUrl = "<GRPC_WEB>" // ex.
const client = new Client(grpcUrl)

// Step 2
const minCount = 3
const askCount = 4
const pairs = ["BTC/USD", "ETH/USD"(async () => {
console.log(JSON.stringify(await client.getReferenceData(pairs, minCount, askCount)))

And the result should look like this.

"pair": "BTC/USD",
"rate": 34078.0954,
"updatedAt": {
"base": 1625579610,
"quote": 1625579627
"requestId": {
"base": 79538,
"quote": 0
"pair": "ETH/BTC",
"rate": 0.06759872648278929,
"updatedAt": {
"base": 1625579610,
"quote": 1625579610
"requestId": {
"base": 79538,
"quote": 79538

Send BAND token via IBC Transfer

With BandChain built based on the Cosmos-SDK, we also allow interaction with our data oracle through Cosmos Inter-Blockchain-Communication protocol, IBC, which connects other compatible blockchains to request data from BandChain.

To send BAND tokens through IBC Protocol, we will use MsgTransfer as a method to represents a message to send coins from one account to another between ICS20 enabled chains. See ICS spec here.

Step 1: First, you need to create a MsgTransfer instance from the Message module. The following code shows you how to create the instance.​

import { Message } from '@bandprotocol/bandchain.js'

const { MsgTransfer } = Message

Step 2: Now we can construct the MsgTransfer method, this method requires 5 fields to interact with:

sourcePortstringThe port on which the packet will be sent
sourceChannelstringThe channel by which the packet will be sent
senderstringThe sender address
receiverstringThe recipient address on the destination chain
tokenCoinThe tokens to be transferred
timeoutTimestampnumberTimeout timestamp (in nanoseconds) relative to the current block timestamp.

Your code should look like this.

const receiver = 'band1p46uhvdk8vr829v747v85hst3mur2dzlmlac7f'
const sourcePort = 'transfer'
const sourceChannel = 'channel-25'
const sendAmount = new Coin()
const timeoutTimestamp = moment().unix() + 600 * 1e9 // timeout in 10 mins

const msg = new MsgTransfer(

To find the right channel IDs for each chain to perform Interchain Transfers, go to the BandChain's GraphQL Console with the following query.

query MyQuery {
where: { channels: { port: { _eq: "transfer" } } }
order_by: { counterparty_chain_id: asc }
) {
channels(where: { port: { _eq: "transfer" } }) {

This query will list all the available IBC Relayers. like so:

"data": {
"connections": [
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-91",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "anca-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-12",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "comdex-dev1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-11",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "comdex-dev1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-14",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "comdex-dev1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-13",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "comdexdevnet-4"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-25",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "consumer"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-114",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "ibcoracle"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-116",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "ibcoracle"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-117",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "ibcoracle"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-90",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "injective-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-0",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "kichain-t-4"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-28",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "sifchain-testnet-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-252",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-256",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-257",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-30",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-38",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-46",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-69",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-93",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-96",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-139",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-162",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-164",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-169",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"
"channels": [
"channel": "channel-208",
"port": "transfer"
"counterparty_chain_id": "test-1"

Your final code should look something like this:

import { Client, Wallet, Transaction, Message, Coin, Fee } from '@bandprotocol/bandchain.js'

const { PrivateKey } = Wallet
const client = new Client('<GRPC_WEB>') // ex.
const privkey = PrivateKey.fromMnemonic(
'subject economy equal whisper turn boil guard giraffe stick retreat wealth card only buddy joy leave genuine resemble submit ghost top polar adjust avoid'
const pubkey = privkey.toPubkey()
const sender = pubkey.toAddress().toAccBech32()

const sendCoinIbc = async () => {
// Step 1 constructs MsgTransfer message
const { MsgTransfer } = Message

const receiver = 'band1p46uhvdk8vr829v747v85hst3mur2dzlmlac7f'
const sourcePort = 'transfer'
const sourceChannel = 'channel-25'
const sendAmount = new Coin()
const timeoutTimestamp = moment().unix() + 600 * 1e9 // timeout in 10 mins

const msg = new MsgTransfer(

// Step 2 constructs a transaction
const account = await client.getAccount(sender)
const chainId = 'band-laozi-testnet6'

let feeCoin = new Coin()

const fee = new Fee()
const tx = new Transaction()

// Step 3 sign the transaction
const txSignData = tx.getSignDoc(pubkey)
const signature = privkey.sign(txSignData)
const signedTx = tx.getTxData(signature, pubkey)

// Step 4 send the transaction
const response = await client.sendTxBlockMode(signedTx)

;(async () => {
await sendCoinIbc()

Connect to your app with Ledger

This tutorial guides you through how to set up and use the Bandchain.js library with your Ledger device to access your Ledger Cosmos (BAND) account(s).

Supported Browsers

  • Chrome
  • Edge (89.0 and later)
  • Opera (76.0 and later)

we strongly recommend using Chrome.

To connect your app you will need to install:

  1. Ledger Live
  2. The Cosmos Nano App
  3. At least one account for Band

Accessing your Ledger

import { Wallet } from '@bandprotocol/bandchain.js'

const { Ledger } = Wallet

const connectLedger = async () => {
const ledger = await Ledger.connectLedgerWeb()

;(async () => {
await connectLedger()

Sending Band Token using Ledger

To send BAND token using Ledger device, the final code should look something like this:

import { Wallet, Client, Transaction, Message, Coin, Fee } from '@bandprotocol/bandchain.js'

const sendCoinWithLedger = async () => {
const ledger = await Ledger.connectLedgerWeb()

const { MsgSend } = Message
const receiver = 'band1p46uhvdk8vr829v747v85hst3mur2dzlmlac7f'

const sendAmount = new Coin()

const msg = new MsgSend(sender, receiver, [sendAmount])

const account = await client.getAccount(sender)
const chainId = 'band-laozi-testnet6'

let feeCoin = new Coin()

const fee = new Fee()

const tx = new Transaction().withMessages(msg).withChainId(chainId).withFee(fee).withMemo('')

await tx.withSender(client, bech32_address)

// Sign a message with Ledger device
const signature = await ledger.sign(tx)
const signedTx = tx.getTxData(signature, pubKey, 127)

// Create a transaction
const response = await client.sendTxBlockMode(signedTx)

;(async () => {
await sendCoinWithLedger()

Getting Testnet BAND from Faucet

async function getFaucet() {
const body = {
address: 'band1p46uhvdk8vr829v747v85hst3mur2dzlmlac7f',
amount: '10',

let options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
body: JSON.stringify(body),

// See
let response = await fetch(`${BAND_FAUCET_ENDPOINT}`, options)


// {"txHash": "07EA6C439A72DE3A3FEBD6FC952EBEF54B802CC0A9C00C9A1265561AFE9169A7"}

And these are examples of Bandchain.js usages, for more information, feel free to dive into specifications in each module.